Artykuły naukowe o naszych badaniach

Investigaciones en Nakum, Peten, Guatemala: Resultados de las excavaciones realizadas por el Proyecto Arqueológico Nakum en los años 2006 y 2007, Jarosław Źrałka, Wiesław Koszkul i Bernard Hermes, w: Polish Contributions in New World Archaeology, red. Janusz K. Kozłowski i Jarosław Źrałka, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Cracow 2008, pp. 73-128

The Nakum Archaeological Project: Investigations on the Banks of the Holmul River, Guatemala - FAMSI © 2007

Archaeological Investigations at Nakum, Peten, Guatemala: New Data on the Site’s Development and the Discovery of a Royal Tomb, Jarosław Źrałka, Wiesław Koszkul, Bernard Hermes w: Recherches Archaeologiques Nouvelle Serie, Cracow 2009, pp. 509 – 541

Periphery of the Maya Site of Nakum, Peten, Guatemala: Results of Research Carried Out Between 2001 and 2003, Jarosław Źrałka, Bernard Hermes, Zoila Calderon w: Recherches Archaeologiques Nouvelle Serie, Cracow 2009, pp. 383 – 396

Preliminary Report on the Discovery of Talud-tablero Architecture, Green Obsidian Artifacts and a Cylindrical Tripod Vessel at the Maya Site of Nakum, Peten, Guatemala, Wiesław Koszkul, Bernard Hermes, Zoila Calderon, w: Recherches Archaeologiques Nouvelle Serie, Cracow 2010, pp. 397-414